The place that feels like home
Cox Residential - Leasing

America may be an “ownership society”, but for many families, homeownership has become a trap instead of a step toward the American Dream. Enticed into buying a house by easy money and pro-ownership policies, many now find themselves locked into spiraling cycles of debt as they struggle to manage their mortgage, maintenance and all the hidden costs of ownership.

Today, with foreclosures at record levels, its time to reconsider the wisdom of a “homeownership at all cost” housing policy. For many families, leasing makes more sense.

More than we realize, many Americans are choosing leasing for convenience, financial flexibility and amenities. That’s why Cox Residential, Danville has become an ever more popular choice for a quality lifestyle in a comfortable neighborhood.

To learn more, contact Cox Residential, Danville at: Post Office Box 1353 | Danville, KY 40423-1353

Leasing Number: 859.329.7423 (Text or Call)

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